AIMS5.0 – project start

Project start of AIMS5.0 – “Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing Leading to Sustainability and Industry 5.0”

With a budget of approximately 70 million euros makes AIMS5.0 one of Europe’s major research projects. It is being funded under the European Union’s Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT JU). 53 research and partners in industry from twelve countries are participating.

In AIMS5.0, KAI will broaden its competences in Computer Vision, Deep Learning (DL) and Machine Learning (ML) by developing an AI pipeline for the automated classification of defect images from the semiconductor industry. Therefore, KAI will work on the development of a sustainable AI pipeline, comprising the whole AI lifecycle by focusing on methodological advances as well as on scalability, maintenance, exploitation, and trustworthiness of AI applications in the productive industry.

For detailed information please see the official press release from Infineon Technologies Austria AG.