We are pleased to announce that a publication from the material science and simulation team could be published as open access within the ECO-solder project.
Here you find the link to the paper “Numerical treatment of reactive diffusion using the discontinuous Galerkin method” is a variational finite element treatment of the intermetallic phase formation in lead free solders. Lead free solders become increasingly important for Infineon due to the EU’s RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) regulations. In this work, Wolfgang Flachberger, Manuel Petersmann and Silvia Leitner propose a method to deal with the discontinuities of physical parameters like elastic constants, coefficient of thermal expansion etc., that appear at the interface of two metallic phases. The thermodynamic treatment enables applications of the model for the prediction of intermetallic phase growth under various conditions. This knowledge will help to further improve and optimize interconnect reliability during device fabrication and by that improve the overall device performance.