Publication accepted at Journal of Applied Physics
We are pleased to announce that a publication from our device physics team has been accepted and selected as an Editor´s Pick by the Journal of Applied Physics.
Here you find the link to the paper “Temperature-dependent electroluminescence of a gate pulsed silicon carbide metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor: Insight into interface traps” which is about the electroluminescence of a gate pulsed SiC-MOSFET. In this work, the KAI authors Magdalena Weger, Marike Van Orden and Gregor Pobegen investigated defects located at the 4H-SiC/SiO2 interface, which are relevant for device performance of 4H-SiC n-channel MOSFETs. This knowledge will help to further improve and optimize defect reducing techniques during device fabrication and by that improve the overall device performance.
Congratulations to the whole team on this great achievement!